Most WDM systems today are based on Optical Trancievers with a fixed wavelength or lambda, that means: a spare for each wavelength in use. Tunable Optical Tranceivers are the solution to reduce spares. Tunable means the capabilty to adjust the wavelegth of the transciever on site to the required lambda. Opticonnect offers a range of Tunable transceivers for communication over optical fiber at data speeds up to 10 Gigabit per second (Gbps) and distances up to 80 km. With these transceivers you can change wavelengths unlimited within the C-band DWDM ITU Grid.
Tuning thes optics can be done by us and some intelligent netwoking devices can do it for you. The transceivers can be used in various types of equipment such as switches, routers and servers from different vendors. On all these products a warranty period of three years applies.